Monday 1 August 2011

Children's Libraries

When I got my library card, that's when my life began.  ~Rita Mae Brown

According to the U.S. Department of Education more than 60% of  school children are reading below the level needed to proficiently process the written materials used in their grade levels - well this is in the USA ,  but since we do not have much statistics in India , it could be at the least the same .

Now what happens when reading proficiency is below standards, Apparently they see it as something wrong with themselves,

Most children who struggle with reading, experience the struggle as a reflection of something to be ashamed of. 

Unintentionally but pervasively, parents, schools, and society as a whole contribute to perpetuating this insidious myth.  - they don't think that maybe their parents, siblings, and other care-givers didn't engage them in enough conversation before they started school 

- they don't think that perhaps their teachers didn't teach them correctly 

no, they blame themselves - they feel ashamed of themselves - ashamed of their minds. Statements like: "I'm dumb", "I'm stupid", "I'm not smart", "I'm not good in school" are all strategies to protect themselves from the shame they feel.

Source :

Learning to read begins long before a child enters school. It begins when parents read to their children, buy their children books and encourage their children to read, now thats a tall order.

If coping up daily work pressures  isn't enough, where fast food chains outnumber book shops any day , where HDTV and portable playstations are the norm . Books and reading take a back seat.

Childrens Libraries , are a rarity and even so they consist a motley collection of books that are  insipid , tattered and do not reflect the interests of the current generation.

With this background Justmonkeying was conceived , a brick and mortar Children's Library in Ahmedabad , with a collection of Children's Books of all ages , from the best publishers across the planet . A home based library Justmonkeying has over 4000 books and growing .

The books have been selected keeping the Kids Interest in mind and not the parents , given a chance most parents would jump at bulky encyclopedia's , long drawn classics as what would interest their Kids.

Its perhaps a beginning when parents realize that the neighborhood library is just as important as the multiplex or the mall that they visit every weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Justmonkeying is the library where children's will really enjoy the books and the ambiance. Apart from that the variety of books is one thing that can keep these young champions glued.
